
Crap, he's on to me

So, you may have noticed that I haven't posted any of my wildly successful and hilarious 'bradversations' lately.
It's because Brad won't let me. Actually, he doesn't care if I write about him, he's fine with it. But lately, he's been starting conversations with, "OK, if I say this, you can't blog it...or tweet it."
And since I love my husband and the sanctity of marriage, death do us part, don't out your husband on your blog, yadda yadda yadda, I won't talk about that.
But I really want to. If you bump into me, I'll tell you in person. Because honestly, my stories are far better in person with all the ridiculous arm flinging anyway.
I wanted to set up a booth for Holiday House (If you're not local, it's an event where hordes of women kick off the holiday season far too early, crammed into a massive locale that still isn't big enough for all of them and they shop until they drop. It's three days of pre-Christmas chaos. And I need those ladies to know who I am!) So I casually looked up the availability of a booth back in September. I mean, two months prior to an event should be adequate time, right?
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Booth reservations begin in April. APRIL. Seven months prior to the event. And, the booths are a little pricey. Well, pricey in that I'm not open yet and haven't made any money in five months. So I started looking for loopholes. And I found one.
Cut to conversation with Brad:
Me: Check it out, at Holiday House they have this event where you get there at 8 a.m. and you have until 9 to set up. Then you get to decorate a gingerbread house for like four hours while all the people at Holiday House watch you! It's like one of those Food Network challenges!
Brad: That sounds awful! Who would do that?
Me: *pause*
Brad: Tell me you didn't sign up for that.
Me: Uh...
Brad: Can you get out of it?
Me: No. I'm going to kick some ass!
Brad: Have you ever even made a gingerbread house?
Me: Not exactly. But I've read up on it.
Brad: So the first gingerbread house you ever make is going to be in front of a live audience? That's not a disaster.

The man does not have faith in me. Or he really knows me well. But you know what? The first cake I made was massive-enough to feed 200 people and I rocked it. So, if you need me, I'll be over here baking gingerbread and mixing royal icing. (Oh, and making a wedding cake, two going away cakes and three birthday cakes, and two dozen mario cookies- This week just got crazy.)